Irish Medicines Formulary in Pharmacy 

IMF is not a product file but rather a medicines manual to support safer, more effective and evidence-based medication decisions.

With Irish pharmacists now extending their role to include repeat prescriptions and to include actual prescribing for specified conditions, this medicines reference is more essential than ever before.

Unlike a product file, IMF provides the pharmacist with not only a clear and complete overview of available medicines but also with the prescribing and safety information for each of those medicines. Only product information approved by the HPRA or the EMA is included to ensure pharmacists are working from the medico-legally appropriate drug information.

Irish pharmacists, Irish patients = Irish medicines information

IMF is designed for use in Ireland, all drug names are those approved by regulators for use in Ireland and all practical information, including reimbursement details, prices and manufacturers' contact details are specific for Ireland.

You don't use a map of England to safely navigate around Ireland

The healthcare systems of Ireland and the UK continue to diverge, making British NHS-based formularies less relevant to Ireland's HSE-based system. Pharmacists need to trust their medicines information and ensure their prescribing decisions reflect the correct license as per the HPRA or EMA. The UK, since Brexit is no longer a part of the European Union!

A Practical and Precise Resource

With IMF-Online pharmacists can ensure their staff have 24/7 access to clear medicines safety information from any on-site/off-site location. Completely mobile friendly. If your phone is with you, IMF-Online is with you.

Out with the old, in with the new

As Irish pharmacy evolves and pharmacists not only supply, but initiate drug-treatments, the older medication references will just no longer fit the purpose. This is where IMF builds a bridge to carry Irish pharmacists from the past into their new professional roles. If in doubt - refer to IMF.